
Azmia of Shimure



And as she kneeled, she thought about her... After what had happened, she felt like a fraud, kneeling in front of him right now, because she was the reason for all his misery.“Now stand!” His voice rang in the far corners of the massive hall, all eyes on her as she rose. But she was not present in the greatest moment of her life.She was lost in her own head.She thought about the people she wanted closest to her when fighting for the lives of others. Being kind wasn't enough for the job she needed these people to do. She needed people who could protect, listen and survive.As her mind wandered, her heart once again turned to stone. It didn't matter if she knew them well, she just needed them to succeed. If they could survive, they could help. She searched her mind, her heart, and her soul, knowing she had to choose the best of the best. To protect her men and to protect herself, she would choose those who were able to follow orders, but also give their own inputs and ideas, being her eyes in the moments when she felt blind, being her strength when she felt weak, and clear her mind when the fog was thick.That was what she needed. What the Kingdom needed.The others would be celebrating tonight, but celebrating was not for people like her.Because tonight, she would be choosing her Council.And she would be making sure she chose correctly.END OF PROLOGUE, THOSE WHO SEEK TO PROTECT




She had spent long days and sleepless nights considering and reconsidering who she would allow close to her.Who would she allow to break her heart?She had long ago decided that no one should hold that spot in her soul anymore. It was reserved for the dead. Yet despite her decision to never feel pain like that again, she had continuously been put through the same grief, and had decided to accept a position that would torture her for the rest of her life. As long as she could save them, she would be okay. That is what she kept telling herself, because this was her atonement. When she looked at the King, she saw the same pain in his eyes.And so she went on to choose who she wanted closest to her, though they would always be at a safe distance, just like everyone else since her.With that agony as her companion, she went over her choices once more. She had been watching them for months, noticing their behavior, not just when she was around, but when they thought she wasn’t looking. All of them were good options, but some were too young, some were strangers and some simply wouldn’t make the cut. She needed those who wouldn’t die and who wouldn’t leave her. Those two things were the most essential in her decision. They had to be strong in order to protect the weak.She had her own ways of becoming strong. Ways people would never know existed.That was why they whispered about the monster in the body of a human.About the precision and lethality that should be out of reach for mortals.“She has the least amount of fatalities in her army.”And so they whisper.And so she suffers.END OF CHAPTER 1, EPISODE 1, THE COUNCIL




The Kingdom of Shimure was a beautiful one. There were many wonderful creatures, but it was dominated by humans.Magic was a hidden part of the history of Shimure, and only few used it, since the usage of such brought great misfortune to those idiotic enough to make use of it.All was well for many years.Until some years ago, the Queen of Shimure tragically passed, leaving behind her King and a beautiful daughter, princess Rose. It was during this reign that the war began, and with it, the era of the now famously known Chief of War, Azmia of Shimure.And through the raging war, the people were hopeful. The King and Queen had not allowed for their Kingdom’s armies to falter in a time of peace, and the lone King was striking back. Many battles were won, but our Azmia was still only 15 years of age and still in training.Still in training, when tragedy struck the Kingdom of Shimure.The tragedy that created the woman who would later be known by many names.A goddess.A monster.A killer.END OF CHAPTER 1, EPISODE 2, SHIMURE




Her heartbeat slowed, her breath was steady, her mind was clear.It was one of the few times during her days and nights where every thought and every feeling left her body.In, out. Rise, fall.Just like the priest had shown her after the incident. Azmia knew that the priest had explained it to her because he wanted her to suffer. He wanted her to live in agony and he had gotten his wish.People whispered, wanting to know if she was a beast, a god or a demon, because it should not be possible to be as skilled as her.Humans only had 24 hours in a day... right?Ever since that day, she had focused on one thing only. Becoming the strongest warrior, the best shooter, the most powerful swordsman and the most reliable person to follow into battle. The priest had given her a way to push beyond what humans could do, but not through some magical powerup.It was much more horrifying than that.And so she meditated until she was swept back into her own nightmare. A place where time stood still for those outside. Her gaze shifted over her shoulder to face what she had seen so many times before;Men. Dying, screaming, fighting.The men she had once followed.And as she had done so many times, she pushed forward.She drew an arrow from her quiver and pulled back the string of her bow in one fluent motion, taking down the first assassin. Before anyone could blink, another fell, an arrow through the eye.Another second, three dead. Each getting an arrow from her quiver through the throat, the heart, the ribs.She knew the count. There were 14 of them against her and the three men who had accompanied them that day. She knew that her companions had already fallen and had taken down a total of 5 men. They had been the most elite warriors at the time and when this had happened, Azmia had been nowhere near their level.But now, years later, she stood.She pulled her knife from her thigh, flinging it at the person trying to harm the woman she had sworn to protect. She lifted her bow and fired once more. 12 dead, two left.And then it happened as it always did. Because once you enter the realm between life and death, you pay by reliving the most painful moment of your life.And she watched her die for the 1816th time.And she wept and screamed and felt her heart shatter again.When her consciousness returned to her, her body was trembling, warm tears were streaming down her face and one thought was left in her mind.She was still not strong enough.And so she went on.END OF CHAPTER 1, EPISODE 3, TO BECOME STRONGEREND OF CHAPTER 1



magic in shimure

Magic was a thing of ancient times once Azmia was born. It was not a tool used for warfare nor to make life easier for common folk.The reason for the scarce use of the seemingly helpful force flowing through the land was the consequence of the usage. If there was a push there was a pull and oftentimes, the pull was stronger than the push. This meant that the price of using the magic was often so great it did not make up for what you wanted to achieve with it.So were the rules of magic in Shimure.In the last chapter of Azmia’s story, we learned that she made use of such magic. Let me explain to you what happened.After the most tragic incident Shimure had seen in decades, Azmia was left a broken soul. Anger and heartbreak were the only things left in the shell she had become.But she knew there was one thing she could do in this life.She would pay for her sins by serving his Majesty as his Chief of War, putting herself in a position where she would experience the same loss she had felt once before.She had heard the whispers of her instructors and she knew she had the potential to become even greater than them. Perhaps the greatest Shimure had ever seen. But the mere 24 hours she had in a day were not enough.She sought a priest whom she knew despised her for living through what his beloved son had not, so she knew he would give her a way.And to her pipe he had danced.He showed her a way of magic which was vile and cruel which would pull from her every time she pushed. She wanted to become stronger but she would pay the price.She needed more time. To be frozen to the outside world.And by the rules of magic - If she wanted time, she would have to spend it in the worst moment of her life.So she meditated the way the priest had shown her, letting go of her sense of self and surroundings.And time stopped.But not to her.She was stuck in the worst moment of her life. An assassination taking place, her comrades fighting for their lives. The first few times she was stuck in this moment, she was either frozen, crying or screaming, unable to move nor do anything to save the people around her.But the more frequently she visited this place of doom in her mind, the more men she could kill. Each time, an extra assassin fell. But only until the inevitable. Because she made use of magic, and therefore she would have to pay the price.She would have to watch Rose die.END OF CHAPTER 1.5, SPECIAL EDITION, MAGIC IN SHIMUREEND OF CHAPTER 1.5



the army of shimure

The army of Shimure had been built across decades but there were some major changes made once Azmia became the Chief of War.The army was divided into groups and your group would be assigned depending on your skill level and what you were best at. Azmia would also consider what one's passion was, as it could contribute to the final skill of a soldier.Hard work was essential if one wanted to be promoted to a higher rank and efforts never went unseen - Either by Azmia herself or by her trusted Council.Almost everyone would start as a newbie but eventually be promoted to a soldier or archer. In some cases, depending on their skill set, some would be assigned to the cavalry or the horseback archers. These made up the biggest part of the army and every single one was essential to the victories Azmia would collect over the years.And from there, it only got more intense.Spies, informants, and scouts were all hand-picked by the Council, usually due to their ability to mix with shadows and collect vital information, always sorting through what was important and what was not.If one was to become an instructor of any kind, Azmia herself would choose you. She evaluated much, not just your skills as an archer or a soldier. Can you relay information to the newbies? Can you explain to others what you did right?Azmia herself lacked those skills. She had learned them the hard way and they had been ingrained in her mind.From the instructors, the inner circle was chosen. The inner-circle was made up of only the finest archers and warriors the army had to offer, and as of the beginning of this story, not a single person held this position.All of these positions were absolutely vital in the war which lasted 6 years.But there were those who exceeded and excelled at the game which we call war. Who spun their blade as if they were part of themselves and drew their arrows fast enough to impress even Azmia herself.The Elites.The Elites were a force hand-picked by Azmia herself and Azmia only. However, unlike her Council, these warriors were not picked for their wisdom and intent. They were selected because of their raw skill, ambition, and loyalty to the crown and to her.They were the only people who worked closely with her on the battlefield because she trusted them to fulfill their missions and return with her alive. Their survival and loyalty meant everything to Azmia, both as their Chief, but also as their friend.Friends were not plentiful for Azmia.She had locked her heart away, sealed it with the corpse of her lover, and vowed to never open it again. Yet there were those whom she could not keep out and the Elites were not the only ones who held a special place in her mind.Her Council had been selected carefully. They had been picked each for different reasons. Their loyalty, resourcefulness, courage, kindness, and wisdom. They were the reason the Kingdom was whole and the reason for many battles won during the 6-year-war.These were her closest allies.The closest ones, but not the only ones.Shimure did not fight alone and had many allies during the war. Other Kingdoms would sometimes come to their aid along with the Special Forces.The Special Forces were those who collected and knew mercenaries who could be used in wartimes for a sum of money. The Special Forces were selected by Azmia and her Council to choose which mercenaries were strong enough to survive the brutes of the enemy.Along with the Special Forces, there were other outsiders who were vital in the war in which Shimure fought. Medics and Food Suppliers were greatly needed during hard battles where many would have lost their lives without them. They preserved and traveled long distances to make sure Shimure could keep fighting.Every person who aided Shimure along the way carried some of the legacies which were to befall the kingdom in the ages to come.In a speech, the King once said:“To those who survived. To those who didn’t.” As he spoke, his eyes landed upon the woman he had appointed as his Chief of War when the Kingdom had descended into chaos and rage. Her own gaze met his, but they were both staring at someone no longer with them.His daughter.Her lover.“And to those who are still carrying the loss.”“Thank you.”END OF CHAPTER 1.5, EPISODE 2, THE ARMY OF SHIMURE




In her time as Chief of War, Azmia was known for many things.Her aim with bow and arrow, her skill in one-to-one combat, her precision with her throwing dagger.But there was one thing that made her legacy as impressive as it became: The casualties. The Army of Shimure was known to suffer the least amount of casualties during the 6 Year War, partly because of the way Azmia chose to strategize.Fear factor played a large part.Shimure was standing against many Kingdoms at once, only being able to withstand the pressure due to the backup they would receive from their Special Forces and Allied Kingdoms, but there were times when a single arrow was enough to stop the battle from even happening.Azmia’s dagger and the tips of her arrows were one of a kind. There existed none like them, for the rare ore used to create them was only found in Shimure and was not usually wasted on weapons. It had been decided that Azmia would use the ore for her weapons once she had shown the King and his Council that she would make the most of every single shot she ever made with her bow.One of the most brutal battles Shimure was looking to face was stopped by a single arrow. No blood was spilled.Azmia’s reputation spread like a wildfire after her first couple of wars and soon, the kingdoms which stood by the enemy nation of Shimure heard her name. They all heard of the ‘Blood Arrows’. The name came from the ore with which the arrows were crafted, which was bright red, along with the inevitable death that always followed. Warlords and captains had fallen to the precision with which Azmia fired.So before each battle, Azmia would fire a single shot.A warning.In this instance, it plunged into the ground before the very feet of the enemy’s Warlord.He had heard the tale.First a warning shot.If the warning was not respected with surrender, a Warlord would die, an arrow through the eye.Next, the Captains would fall, an arrow for them all.Until no one was left to lead and then the soldiers would plead.So went the songs.So he surrendered.And no lives were lost on that day.END OF CHAPTER 1.5, EPISODE 3, STRATEGYEND OF CHAPTER 1.5




King Shimure and his daughter, Princess Rose, were known to roam the streets of Shimure. The princess was well known for her curiosity and her father for his kind heart. They would frequently mingle with the people and visit the town for various events and fairs.Little Princess Rose, only 10 years of age, would oftentimes wander off without her father, much to his dismay. The analytical princess wanted to find other kids of her age, but one day, she wound up in a place not safe for someone as delicate as herself.The smile of the beautiful child quickly turned to a frown when a group of larger boys tried to grab her by her shoulders; “Well well, doesn’t she look nice?” They cooed, brown hues wandering from her face to behind her, looking for potential adults or saviors.“Reckon we could get some money for this one,” one snickered, the others pushing forward. They closed in on the panicking princess, whose voice could not yell out to her father, for she was frozen in fear.And then,A flash of blue.A frail figure suddenly stood between the boys and the princess, pink eyes glistening with fury and disgust. Azmia whirled her knife in her hand, not much taller than the princess behind her and much skinnier.Yet the boys quivered in fear, each one taking a step back from the scene, stuttering and mumbling amongst themselves. The pink-eyed stranger spoke, slowly but clearly.“Leave.”And the boys turned and ran.The King and his guards came running from the other end of the alley, shouting at the princess to return to their side. The 10-year-old Azmia was frightened, attempting to step into the shadows when Rose grabbed her hand.“What’s your name?” Her voice was soft, gentle, and sounded kind. The guards and the King stopped in their tracks, staring at the knife the orphaned girl held in her hand. Azmia dropped the knife when she noticed their anxious gazes, her pink hues finding those of the princess, opening her mouth to answer but nothing came out.The Princess giggled and looked at her father. “She saved me,” she explained, her attention shifting back to the girl in front of her. “Where are your parents?”Azmia simply shook her head, for she had none. She knew neither their names nor their faces.“Father-”But the King was already smiling and nodding his head. He was a King who recognized a warrior when he saw one.They would bring her to the castle.Here, they would raise her to be Princess Rose’s personal guard.END OF CHAPTER 2, EPISODE 1, CHILDHOOD



the beast of shimure

As we previously learned, the term “magic” is loosely used in Shimure and is not a customary tool nor practice amongst soldiers, royalty, and commoners. It is not used in battle or everyday life and very few still know of the past in which such a thing was used.The magic which flows in the land where Shimure exists does not stem from humans, but rather from an outside place from where it is pulled forth and was used in the old times of the continent.Magic does, however, flow in some animals and spirits that are scattered among the land. These animals are not seen as strange nor are they uncommon. They behave much like any other animal that we know, such as hounds or cats.Most spirit animals have two forms. A non-shape form and an animal form.They are born as their non-shape selves and gradually learn to change between their two forms. They are all assigned an animal form from birth, and often take from either of their parents.Such spirit-animals are called Animus.Some spirits latch onto humans if they take a liking to them and will follow the human around, bonding over time. This is not always the case, however. Some Animus are highly aggressive and despise human life.That also meant that the Animus usually kept to themselves, outside of the human territory.Azmia would sometimes seek out these places, as she wanted to test the silence of her movement. Animus and animals were usually better at spotting her out due to their enhanced hearing, so she usually would practice on them.So when she moved among the woods, her soft boots pressing into the soil beneath her, she made sure to push any fallen branches or sticks away to avoid making noise by stepping on them.She moved forward carefully, eyes constantly scanning her surroundings.So when she quietly turned her head and locked gazes with an Animus Lupus, she thought her time had come.She did not yet know that she stood in the face of what was to becomeThe Beast of Shimure.END OF CHAPTER 2, EPSIODE 2, THE BEAST OF SHIMURE